Akash Group of Institutions (AGI) provides excellent opportunities to avail scholarships by participating in our exam i.e Akash Entrance Test (AET),which is welcomed to all the students with excellent percentage. AGI also accepts various scholarships both at State and National level for the meritorious students. The deserving students who are ambitious to pursue their higher studies but are hesitant due to financial constraints can opt for these Scholarships during their course of study.
AGI is delighted to bloom the budding professionals with awards and scholarships. Award of Excellence will be awarded for the toppers in academics and Award for Co-curricular activities will be awarded for the unique talents who have been selected in state and national sports/culturals during the term of study.
Students seeking for State Scholarship are recommended to apply for the following schemes:
Students seeking for National Scholarship are recommended to apply for the following schemes:
Students applying for any of the above mentioned scholarships must submit the following documents:
Students can contact Akash Group of Institutions for any queries and clarifications regarding the Scholarship schemes at
They can also email us at
for more details.